I was trying to write a nice Facebook status a few minutes ago wishing everyone in my newsfeed a merry Christmas. It grew from the size of a tweet, to a status, to too much to contain in a simple box labeled "What's on your mind?"
It grew from "Merry Christmas everyone!" to a prayerful blessing, to a pondering. I will share it here instead and let God take it where He wills...
May God fill each of you with His light today; the day we celebrate the gift of grace unmerited, unearned, unattainable. Today we commemorate, remember, celebrate when our Creator Perfect loved us so much, too much, to leave us wallowing in our imperfection. Too much to set the proverbial bar lower, too much to leave us toiling to reach Him, too much to do any number of other things with us that He could have... Because He IS love. Love, beyond comprehension, beyond our fallible, perverse idea of the concept, so far beyond what finite minds can fathom, that He would put on soiled, human skin, breathe our tainted air, put up with our bitter repulse. Love so fragile and yet so indestructible. Love as intimate as a fresh babe cuddled between parents and as vast as the infinite universe. Love that would willingly step down from the throne of eternity, peace, power, perfection so incomprehensible that the smallest blemish can not enter the presence... The love that invented sacrifice.
Sacrifice. The latin roots of the word, the properly neutral plural word "sacer" meaning sacred, with the root "facer" meaning "to do or perform". A holy act, offered from the purest heart. A heart so broken over our brokenness that He allowed us to break Him just to mend us.
May we be broken and mended all at once today. May we be so emptied to awe yet so filled with grace. May we accept today, in all it's fullness, the Gift that cannot be put in a box, that cannot be kept a secret, that cannot be contained by swaddling or a tomb, cannot be traded for anything but sorrow, cannot be kept but must be shared. May we be blessed today in a measure that spills into every coming day hereafter. May we praise the Father for our greatest Gift, our Yeshua, our Messiah.
Have a very, merry, Christmas, everyone.
On the road of refining and growing in grace through the ups and downs of marriage, ministry and motherhood.
Today I'm praying for/about:
Today, (in no particular order) I'm praying for...
- Fresh ideas, inspiration and diligence to post regularly again
- My dad fighting mesothelioma too far away for me to hug him
- Children, parents, and teachers everywhere preparing to return to school
- My single friends as they seek God for His guidance in relationships
- Broken relationships; for grace to abound where grace has been withheld
- You; I'm praying for every single person who views this blog.
Thank you for standing in agreement with me for these precious souls!