Case in point, my fourth son is about 20 months old now and it's obvious that I'll soon be hearing the words "Me do!" quite often. Every toddler goes through this phase as he or she begins to explore self-determination and plant the seeds of independence. He's beginning to refuse food from the spoon unless he's holding it, screamed at me the other day for trying to help him fasten his sandal and he'll probably want to attempt his car seat buckles any day now. The thing is, I KNOW he lacks the dexterity/skill/strength/size to complete these tasks yet and, when he does attempt them, I'll be dealing with a screaming melt-down of frustration when HE realizes the same thing. When one of the older boys went through this same phase God showed me that we do the same thing. He knows what's best, has plans laid out, and gives us directions in His word... but don't we always know better??? I can't even count how many times in my own life I've told God "Me do!" only to find myself in a screaming melt-down, praying for His help, guidance and comfort amidst the consequnces of my own mistakes. Thankfully, God has a patience we earthly parents can NEVER grasp or, sadly, attain so He's always there to step in, not always to fix, but to guide us back to where we need to be. You can almost hear these scriptures strung together in a loving lecture...
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways (Is. 55:8)... with deep compassion I will bring you back (Is. 54:7)... for I know the plans I have for you (Jer. 29:11)... and I will never leave or forsake you (Heb 13:5b)... in all your ways acknowledge (Me) and (I) will make your paths straight (Prov 3:6)."
As parents, may we be vessels of this same grace as we deal with our children. As His children, may we learn from our mistakes, find comfort in His presence and accept His hand of assistance when we need to humbly hand it over and say "You do."